The roadmap to safe and secure workplaces

With news of the Government roadmap now issued, many thoughts have turned to when certain industries will be reopening their doors, and also how to ensure their staff remain safe, secure and protected as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

So who and what will be reopening, when will they do so and what steps will they need to take? 

Step 1: From March 8th –

Already underway with the return to schools for all students.
Two people are now allowed to meet outside not just for exercise purposes. 

Step 1.2: From March 29th –

Rule of 6 now applies outside.
Outdoor sports facilities can reopen.
Stay at home order ends. 

Step 2: From April 12th – A big day as a wide variety of industries reopen their doors, including:

Non-essential retail.
Personal care (hairdressers and salons).
Libraries and community centres.
Outdoor attractions (such as zoos).
Indoor swimming pools and gyms (for use on your own or with your household only).
Outdoor hospitality venues.
Self contained holiday accommodation.
Funerals up to 30 people.
Weddings, receptions and wakes up to 15 people. 

Step 3: From May 17th -Another big step in the right direction as outdoor gatherings are now allowed up to 30 people, these include:

Outdoor theatres and cinemas can reopen although visiting groups are restricted to two households or rule of 6.
Indoor hospitality can now welcome people inside.
Cinemas and children’s soft plays can reopen.
Larger outdoor events can take place.
Up to 30 people for funerals, weddings, christenings, wakes and bar mitzvahs. 

Step 4: From June 21st – The biggest day yet as all social contact restrictions are hoped to be lifted, this includes:

Nightclubs to reopen.

It’s important to remember these dates are subject to change depending on the pandemic. 

So, what do you need to do to ensure safety for you, your team and your customers during these next few months? 

Regular cleaning procedures.
Sanitising stations.
2 metre advisory points to ensure people are aware of correct distances when inside and outside.
Full ventilation with open windows and doors (avoid air conditioning units as these can circulate unventilated air).
Full communication with all staff members and customers to ensure rules are adhered to and carried out.
A plan of action in case any staff member or customer becomes unwell. This will allow you to react quickly and efficiently should this be the case. 

Covid-19 has turned our worlds upside down this year, and in doing so, has motivated a huge focus on correct sanitation within education and the workplace. If you’re looking to buy online sanitising products, then look no further. Here at Bioshield, we’re here for all your sanitising needs.

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